From the Puente Nueve

From the Puente Nueve
From the Puente Nueve

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Haunted House - in English

The translation is not perfect English because there is often not a straight like for like conversion.

Well, to begin with I have to say that I am from Ronda (Malaga, Spain) and I have visited this House many times, I have not ever seen anything out of the ordinary but I have searched a bit. I found a sheet of a newspaper last year and read it carefully. In one of the pages appeared an article related to that House. I copied it as I found it:


' Casa Rúa: A Haunted House '

If there are places in Ronda covering mystery, fascination, fear and curiosity, the Casa Rúa brings together everything and more in the dilapidated building and its unique landscape. Located in the lane on the way to the Rock Church of the Virgen de la Cabeza, was a mansion, now only ruins, built in a heavenly space (tennis court, gardens, (fuentesde) dream, pool...) and with the most beautiful views of the Tacho and the urban skyline of Ronda. It is enough to observe the current state, degraded and destroyed, to realise that something exceptional had to occur so that the owners left, almost suddenly, a unique and beautiful framework.

Since then, from the strange neglect of this Villa Apolo, as it reads under the frontispiece of its facade, have passed hundreds and hundreds of people from Ronda and visitors, seduced by its enigma, to verify what's true in so many extraordinary stories, to destroy its elegant architecture or to experience sensations that emerge in such a singular scenario. What happened so that the wealthy owners hastily left this palace and never wanted to go back there?

Stories, tales, legends, myths, celebrity gossip, as I have said, there are numerous; and almost all are from the imagination and include countless experiences of the paranormal,magic, spiritual ... amazing in the final analysis, that it has involved the thoughts of many people. However, in between all of them, there is a common detail with no small interest which would cause some paranormal activity that has been said to have been seen in this 'Haunted House'

The illustrious and well-off inhabitants of the residence had an 8-year-old daughter who disappeared (true) on a fateful day, without her minders and the rest of the maintenance staff knowing. The corpse of the girl was found, terribly carved up and in a pool of blood on the first floor of the nearby tower. The place was a watchtower and part of the defense of the Moslem Ronda and was on the edge of the property of the Casa Rúa. Nothing was discovered about who carried out the brutal murder.

From the first moment strange experiences began to happen, and especially intense were appearances of the girl, noises, mysterious crying...and that provoked the abandonment of the stately building. It might be explained from the perspective that the bloody crime soaked the whole area with its emotional energy. This energy in movement gave place to the 'anomalies', psychological parallels of the ghost of the girl who in the house lived... and died. A peculiarity exists, exceptional undoubtedly, that the 'ghost', or 'energy', or 'entity', of the small girl, with the passing of time, has been growing, aging, as if she kept on living in our existential plane and appears as a grown woman.There exists a photo in which there appears the ghost as a woman adult and clothed in the ancient custom.

Finally to explain the extract:. The building is part of a 'triangle', with one of the apexes in the Virgen de la Cabeza, in which the telluric energies are very intense; there are those who come, and come continuously from the skies (extra-terrestrials) and from the subsoil, being very related to the energy changes, and that can affect us biologically. They can alter our metabolism and psychological disorders can provoke us. The forces in this area in particular of the Casa Rúa if true, are capable of danger with all this paranormal phenomena: apparitions, ghostly, 'religious' experiences and mediums as well as the group of Believers of the Pious Father... But this will be another story…...

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